Thank you for the great pictures and information about fern moss. It certainly is a beautiful moss! I understand that we may not want moss on our roof, but I am all for it most other places! I wonder if it could be transplanted by scooping into the soil below the moss and quickly resettling it soil and all in its new location? Thought I might mention that a local (and Wonderful!) gardening guru of many years in the PacNW named Chico Morris also loved moss. I remember he once noted that he was able to start moss on rocks and logs by blending moss and buttermilk in a blender and then pouring the mixture wherever he wanted moss to be! Not sure this would be a good method to use with fern moss. But it might be worth a try.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Diane Porter

Beautiful, Diane! Thank you. I'm a moss fanatic but know very little about them. I've learned from your post. And I, too, have noticed that when all the leaves are down and brown is the dominant color of the woods, the lime greens of mosses just pop. They take center stage now!

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It was a joy to see the dime! Perhaps you can cash those dimes in for a few $$$? :-))

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Thanks for your great reminder to look at the wee things under foot!!

Where did you find that dime!? :-))

What a fun adventure and brain cell expanding effort by trying to learn to identify the Iowa mosses on your property!! Enjoy!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Diane Porter

Sweet Moss! And those almost translucent Chickadee eggs!! Ours raise babies in a birdhouse my hubby built many years ago, hanging just outside the kitchen window. One year we scheduled our Oak trees to be thinned during the same week the baby birds were being fed. In spite of the noise, the big trucks, the seven men in the trees, Mom and Pop kept up the feeding, without batting dey eyelashes! Dedication! We felt badly, and a bit worried, but no prob! Ah, Mom-Nature........:<)) Thank you for sharing your Moss, Diane. Always a pleasure!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Diane Porter


Never thought of mosses coming to the fore in winter.

Thanks Diane! I'll look for them now though there's no place wet enough for them in my garden. Maybe one little area on the north side. Is it easy to transplant?

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And, as always, I learn from the beauty of your photography and the knowledge of your words!

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My heart skips a beat or two every time I open a bluebird box and see a beautiful chickadee nest inside lined with its moss coziness. I have put a size reducer on the hole of one of our 8 boxes after I saw bluebirds kick out a chickadee pair. Really now, kids, there are enough available to share! 💚

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Diane Porter

Thank you for sharing the fern moss particulars with us. Ever since reading Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book “Gathering Moss” I have been amazed and delighted by the variety and importance of moss life!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Diane Porter

So interesting! Thanks😊

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What a lovely introduction to fern moss--thank you!

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