Great photos to enhance your story!! Wonderful to have a microscope to show the pollen besides a good camera and steady hand to take such great photos!!

Thank you for all the wonderful information and photos you share with us!!

Unfortunately, I do not have the proper location to grow cardinal flowers. However, I do have other flowers that the hummers like and enjoy watching them hum around my yard and gardens!!

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I love these photos! I have found cardinal flower particularly difficult to photograph. The red petals always look flat like a Matisse painting.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Diane Porter


First: Your Gaia Posts never cease to amaze, inform, entertain, enlighten me, Diane! Thank you for your seriously-detailed sharing of fascinating information, expanding my/our appreciation for the Wonders of Nature. Worldlings need to Get the value of knowing more about how Nature (could we call it God?) Works Her Wonders, to enable us to live in closer SYNC with it All. Sigh. But we CAN learn! I will not give up faith in US! 😁

We love our Hummingbirds! They "bathe" in the fountain of water that the solar-powered...device...spouts out.

We've heard that Hummers can only bathe and drink from moving water. Is this true,

O Diane-Our-Nature-Guru?

Oh How I could Go On, but for now: Thanks once again for your Posts-Full, Diane. We all appreciate you! 😄💓

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As always, educational and beautiful!

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