Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Diane Porter

I must get out there and see if I can find a bobolink and dickcissel or two this summer. People who restore habitats are heroes to me. What a lovely story! I can hear the laughter in bobolink's song. xo

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Yes, don't they sound like they're laughing. They'll be gone soon from the field by my house. They don't stay here long after the end of June. I guess they have a long way to go.

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Oh my goodness, since I live north of you I'd better hurry up!

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I see that Phil Specht posted your piece on his Facbook page. If we're talking bobolinks, Phil is the NE Iowa expert!

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So he did! Thanks for mentioning that.

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Jun 13Liked by Diane Porter

Diane, this is such a lovely introduction to this bird! My wife is also wondering what has happened to bobwhites, which she used to hear at our Florida beaches.

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I have not heard them this year either on my land either, although they used to be here. There are so many things that make it tough on bobwhites, but mostly I think it's loss of habitat. I hope you have them again.

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Jun 12Liked by Diane Porter

Dear Diane, You introduced me to these lovely and melodious birds years ago. I've never forgotten seeing them wheeling over the grasslands and singing away! I'm glad to hear they're back in your neighborhood. Hope they stay! Thanks for the report and memories.

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Oh, from your fingertips to God's ear! I hope they can settle in here and the field will ring with their songs again. With good management practices like are happening now, it is possible.

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Jun 12Liked by Diane Porter

We lost our Bobolinks in our south pasture 3 years ago...the neighbor who owned the pasture next to ours decided they needed about 4-5 more rows of beans that year and reduced the cumulative pasture size just enough to discourage nesting...had them there for nearly 20 years. The pasture directly across the road still has a couple pairs but 2 years ago the owner mowed and baled the 3rd week of June and destroyed all nests...the bobolinks were last seen flying around where their nests "had" been...they then left. Thankfully they (or others) returned last year and nested successfully. Everything is stacked against the grassland obligates! By-the-way...a good way to describe their call to younger folks is to say it sounds a lot like R2D2 from Star Wars!

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It is such a grief when grassland species disappear, especially since most folks don't even know what we're losing. Blessings on you for preserving your land for creatures of nature.

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I've never heard about them from anyone who enjoyed them as neighbors. Thank you.

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It is such a joy to have them back. I so hope it will be for good, or for the duration of the age, anyway.

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Jun 12Liked by Diane Porter

SUCH f-u-n, whilst sitting in an Airport awaiting our plane, listening to your Bobolink recording! Yep: raised some eyebrows, ya did! I'll complete my reaction to your fun (as always) Bird Tale, when we get to Denver! (Will check the sky for migrating friends of yours!!)

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It tickles me to think of people in an airport being disoriented by hearing a birdsong! Thanks for your nice comment. And safe travels.

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I enjoyed finding out more about bobolinks, we don't get them over here in the UK.

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They're a bird only of the Americas. I'm glad you liked reading about them. Thanks for commenting.

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Jun 12Liked by Diane Porter

What a charming story. AND, I loved listening to their sweet songs.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Thanks for subscribing, Kathy. I'll be sending you an email with each post, as yours is a Lisco address, and I think that for some reason Lisco blocks all mail from Substack.

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Jun 12Liked by Diane Porter

How wonderful they are back! What a fun joyful bird. ❤️❤️

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Jun 12Liked by Diane Porter

I aam beyond happy to hear this! one of my great sorrows is the decline in the bobolink...a bird i associate with my youth when i would ride the Iowa meadows on horseback and there could be 50 of them or more in a large field... that there is a return is VERY hopeful!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Yes, our mutual neighbor is doing a magnificent job of restoring that field, by just herself and family. It is really coming back. I thought I would faint when I found a Bobolink there. It had been years since I'd seen one there.

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What fun birds! Fortunate they can find a few little grasslands.

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I hope that our smaller field will eventually attract at least one pair. It's adjacent to my neighbor's big field (40acres, maybe?) but separated by a row of junipers. But I heard one there yesterday.

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How exciting for you to see them again near your home. I just spent time with many of them at Whiteoak Conservancy in western IA.

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